“…To review how the kinematic modeling method [l, 21 and the concept of IRC [3 base, open chain, serial link redundant manipulator in [6 , it is convenient to present for kinematically modeling a constrained rigid body mechanical system [l, 2 a theory for controlling such a system termed input relegation control (IRC) pseudovelocities, was introduced and de 2 ned as a linear function of the coupled genContro f laws are designed for each task, and the control inputs to the actuators are A classical example of a control law base d on the principles of IRC was provided DOF can be utilized to explicit 1 y control the pseudove f ocities and the pseudocoordiwere first applied to the kinematic redundancy resolution during motion of a fixe d the classical kinematic velocity model for such a manipu 1 ator: The original application of IRC to kinematic redundancy resolution [6] Here I k x k denotes a (k x k) identity matrix and Okxl a (k x I) matrix of zeros.…”