We present a method to identify the parameters of a state space model for a max-plus-linear discrete event system from input-output sequences. The approach is based on recasting the identification problem as an optimization problem over the solution set of an extended linear complementarity problem. Recently, we have shown that such a problem can be solved much more efficiently than previously by using a mixed integer programming approach. The resulting algorithm allows us to identify a state space model of a max-plus-linear discrete event system from input-output data. This method works for both structured and fully parameterized state space identification. In addition, we also obtain an estimate of the state sequence.
Introduction 1.OverviewA discrete event system (DES) is a dynamic, asynchronous system, where the state transitions are initiated by events that occur at discrete time instants. Typical examples of DES are flexible manufacturing systems, telecommunication networks, parallel processing systems, traffic control systems, and logistic systems. There exist many different modeling and analysis frameworks for DES such as Petri nets, finite state machines, automata, languages, process algebra, computer models, etc. In this paper we consider the class of DES with synchronization but no concurrency. Such DES can be described by models that are "linear" in the max-plus algebra [1], and therefore, they are called maxplus-linear (MPL) DES.