The task of wireless data transmission system in electronic conflict is to ensure the secrecy of signal parameters to provide the availability of radio signal in conditions of interference. The task of interference transmitter is to suppress the radio channel with interference. Interference transmitter must explore the parameters of the radio signal to form interference which will be the most effective for its suppression. Increasing structural secrecy of radio signal is aimed at increasing a priori uncertainty of its parameters, and is achieved by manipulating them. An improved method for estimating noise immunity of global navigation satellite systems is proposed in the article. The method allows taking into account the dynamics of the conflict between the navigation system and the interference transmitter: changing signal parameters in time and exploring them. The estimation of noise immunity of navigation signals of global navigation satellite systems allowed to conclude that the use of an increased number of binary quasi-orthogonal code sequences sets will provide high noise immunity of the global navigation satellite system for 15 years.