Conventional alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) establishment methods may create considerable potential for erosion. Conservation tillage practices that result in stand establishment without disturbing the soil greatly would be beneficial in reducing soil losses. Thus, field experiments were conducted to evaluate the success of alfalfa establishment without tillage in a perennial grass sod. Variables included rate of carbofuran (2, 3‐dihydro‐2, 2‐dimethyl‐7 benzofuranyi methylcarbamate) insecticide and control of existing vegetation with chemicals. Establishment without tillage was compared with a conventional method of establishment. Carbofuran at 1.1 kg ha−1 applied in the row with the seed, when compared with a control, increased yields during the year of planting but no response was observed in the year after seeding. Yields of alfalfa established without tillage using either glyphosate (N‐(phosphonomethyl)glycine) or paraquat (1,1‐dimethyl‐4, 4‐bipyridinium chloride) for sod suppression were equivalent to or better than yields obtained from conventional sowings except for the 2 April sowing. Paraquat was more effective for tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) suppression when applications were made on 26 April after spring tiller emergence was complete than on 2 April when some of the tillers may have been protected from the spray by basal sheath tissue.
Broadcast application of paraquat resulted in higher alfalfa yields and decreased non‐alfalfa components due to more complete sod suppression than application in bands over the row.