The sections in this article are:
Ion Transport and Osmoregulation in Invertebrates: Functional Morphology and Cellular Mechanisms
Water Expulsion Vesicles and Contractile Vacuoles in Protozoans, Sponges, and Cnidarians
Nephridia and Coelomoducts: Embryology and Terminology
Coelomoduct‐Derived Renal Organs
Gut‐Derived Renal Organs
Other Ion‐Transporting Structures
Excretion in Invertebrates
Nitrogenous Wastes
Organic Anions
Organic Cations
Magnesium and Sulfate
Storage and Deposit Excretion
Catabolism of Insect Neurohormones by Malpighian Tubules
Roles of Arthropod Excretory Systems and Molluscan Mantle in Acid‐Base Regulation
Active Transport of Sugars
Transport of Cardiac Glycosides
Passive Permeability to Metabolites and Toxins
Future Research