Pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera) is one of the major causes of low productivity in pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) in Kenya. This study determined the effect of Nimbedicine, Pyagro and Bacillus thuringiensis on pod borer and grain yield performance of two pigeon pea varieties. The experiments were set up in Kapkayo and Koibatek during April-September, 2020 and May-October, 2021 cropping seasons. The experiment was laid in split plot with three replicates. Data on pod and flower damage, severity, percentage infestation, days to flowering, number of pods per plant, grain yield and 100 seed weight were subjected to analysis of variance and mean separated using Tukey's Honest Significant Difference test. Results show that Nimbedicine significantly reduced pod borer population in all stages of growth by 74.82%, Pyagro 58.64% and Bt 52.97%. Higher yields were recorded in plots sprayed with Nimbedicine (0.99) followed by Pyagro (0.72) and Bt (0.66) tons/ha in both sites. Koibatek had significantly higher grain yield (0.90 tons/ha) as compared to Kapkayo (0.68 tons/ha). A positive correlation between grain yield and pods per plant were observed. The findings of this study have identified and validated appropriate biopesticides for management of pigeon pea pod borer for enhanced pigeon pea productivity in Kenya.