-Introduction: Acute poisoning by pesticides become more and more frequent, it's an important cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The aim of our study was to determine the epidemiological profile of fatal pesticide poisoning deaths in Morocco between 2000 and 2005. Materials and methods: A retrospective study, covering the period from January 2000 to December 2005 was based on database of Laboratory of Forensic Toxicology in the National Institute of Health in Morocco included all positives results in pesticides analysis. Cases were analyzed according to the following criteria: gender, age, origine, poisoning type and class of pesticide. Results: In the period of study, from total of 3104 analysis performed in the laboratory, 130 cases (4.2%) were related with fatal pesticides poisoning deaths which were classified as a suicide in 23.1% cases, as an uncertain in 75% and accidental in 1.5%. 51% of cases were related to males and 48% to females. The most represented city was Rabat with 55 cases (42.3%). Insecticides (organophosphorus, organochlorine and carbamates) were the most frequent cause of fatal pesticides poisoning (75.2%), followed by aluminum phosphide (21.5%), one case of pyrethroid and one case of coumarinic anticoagulant were found. Conclusion: In spite of the effort made in the rules of pesticides in Morocco, the government must develop a strong system which can attribute to prevent this poisoning.