Objective: to analyze the perception of nurses regarding an educational intervention with innovative pedagogical methods on acute management of burns. Method: a qualitative and exploratory study based on Paulo Freire's sociocultural pedagogical approach. The educational intervention was carried out with 18 nurses who worked in the areas of urgency and emergency. The intervention was centered on active teaching-learning methodologies, in which the main teaching methods were case-based learning, conceptual maps, simulation training, and digital portfolio. Data was collected in November 2017 and October 2018, in the setting of a state public university, by means of a sociodemographic questionnaire, records produced from focus groups, field diaries and portfolios, which were analyzed based on data triangulation, using Bardin's content analysis technique. Results: four categories were identified: collaborative construction of knowledge based on autonomy and dialog between the students; learning with dynamism and joy; from problematizing reality to critical thinking; and education that leads to professional empowerment and confidence. Conclusion: the nurses perceived the educational intervention as positive, since the innovative and participatory teaching methods adopted contributed to the development of competences and skills, ensuring more critical thinking, autonomy and empowerment for these professionals. The study represents an advance in the scope of Nursing education and in the orientation of continuing education actions.