“…The internal risk factors were advanced age (Addison et al, 2012;Sèze et al, 2007;, latex allergy , constipation , inadequate liquid intake , obesity , pelvic organ anatomical variations Ortega et al, 2008;, impaired cognition Pomfret & Nazarko, 2006), detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia and spinal cord trauma , mental confusion (Pomfret & Nazarko, 2006), sedation (Gray, 2008), and deficient patient or caregiver knowledge about urinary catheter care . External risk factors were long-term use of urinary catheters Sèze et al, 2007;, need to use retention balloon insufflated with 30 ml or more (Elgammal, 2009;Geng et al, 2012;Head, 2006;Igawa et al, 2008;), need to use large-caliber urinary catheter (Head, 2006;Igawa et al, 2008;Ortega et al, 2008;, impossibility of securing the catheter Gray, 2008;Igawa et al, 2008;, and multiple and frequent catheterizations Kondo et al, 2007;.…”