Human a-like globin genes were investigated by use of rabbit P-globin cDNA plasmid as a cross-species hybridization probe. Normal and 2°/SB thalassemic DNA were compared by filter hybridization procedures. It roved possible to demonstrate that the rabbit probe detected ad A7, 6, a, a0, and 6PB human globin genes as well as an additional unidentified a-like globin gene. By use of an agarose gel elution procedure, fractions of HindIII-digested DNA enriched for a-like globin genes were purified. One of these fractions, 8.0 kilobases in size, was cloned into X788, and EK2 X HindIII vector. A positive clone was obtained and characterized by restriction mapping and sequence analysis. The sequence data obtained predicted an amino acid sequence that exactly matches a part of human &globin. The human non--globin locus is now nearly complete. 6, A, and y human globin genes have already been cloned and analyzed. We describe here the cloning of the remaining non-x-globin gene, e.The globin gene system of humans provides an excellent model system for the study of gene expression in eukaryotes, both during and after development. In the yolk sac of early embryos two genes, E and A, produce embryonic hemoglobin ({2e2). Later in the fetal liver there is a switch to the expression of y and a genes, producing fetal hemoglobin (a2Y'2). Finally, at birth there is a second switch to the bone marrow synthesis of adult hemoglobins a2#2 and a262 (ratio 40:1) by the (3, 6, and a genes (1). The genetic defects that cause thalassemia are associated with this gene system and could prove very useful in establishing how these genes are regulated during development and in adult life (2).Great advances have been made in the structural analysis of this gene system. The 13, 3, and a part of the y genes (3, 4) have been cloned from genomic DNA. Their linkage and restriction site maps have been established by analysis of these clones and also by direct analysis of genomic DNA (5, 6) by use of human globin cDNA plasmids as probes (7,8). Similarly, the two linked a-globin genes have been mapped by genomic DNA analysis (9). However, no information has been obtained on the genes coding for the embryonic hemoglobin.We describe in this paper the molecular cloning of an 8-kilobase (kb) human DNA fragment containing the -globin gene.This clone was isolated by use of a rabbit /3-globin cDNA plasmid (10) as a crosshybridization probe.
MATERIALS AND METHODSAnalysis of Genomic and Cloned DNAs by Restriction, Filter Hybridization, and Sequence Determination. Genomic (both normal and 10/3130 thalassemic) and cloned DNAs were digested with various restriction enzymes-EcoRI, HindIII, BamHI, and Pst I (Boehringer, Mannheim, W. Germany); Xba I and Bgl II (BioLabs)-under standard conditions. Digests were fractionated on 0.8-1.5% agarose gels, with a HindIII digest of wild-type X DNA (11) and a Hae III digest of PBR322 (12) as size markers. Gels for filter hybridization were denatured in alkali (0.2 M NaOH/0.6 M NaCl, 1 hr, 200C), neutralized (1.0 M Tris-HCI, ...