Extant research offers mixed empirical results on the information content of private placements. Hertzel and Smith (1993) suggest that, on average, private placement rms are undervalued. On the other hand, Hertzel, Lemmon, Linck, and Rees (2002) show that private placement rms experience signi cant negative long-run post-announcement stock price performance and that high levels of capital expenditures around private placement re ect managerial overoptimism. Empirical work examining the information content of private placements typically takes the approach based on proxies for information asymmetry that suffers the intrinsic errors-in-variables problem. This paper circumvents the empirical dif culty by developing the two-stage estimation approach and the conditional correlation approach. The conditional correlation coef cient varies between -1 and +1 that allows comparisons across samples feasible. Thus, it prevails over the two-stage estimation approach to identify the signi cance of the information content of equity-selling mechanisms.