“…Family: Euphorbiaceae Synonym: Stillingia agallocha (L) Baill Local names: Komatti, Kammetti, Kannampotti English name: River poison "A dioecious tree to 15 m high with abundant white latex; Habitat -An evergreen shrub common along with higher estuarine banks, cannels, tidal forest and mangrove swamps; Stem-bark greyish, lenticellate; Roots-Lateral roots spreading and intermingled with each other, supraterranean bands produce elbow-shaped pegs instead of pneumatophores; Leaves -leaves alternate, ovateelliptic or orbicular, apex shortly acuminate, base narrowed, margin entire or sinuate crenate, 3-8 × 1.5-3 cm, glabrous, petiolate; Flowers -Unisexual, Male flowers in catkin spikes, fragrant, yellow, 2-3 mm across; stamens 3, filaments free. Female flowers in axillary raceme, pale green, 2.5-3.5 mm across, pedicellate; calyx 3-lobed; ovary 3-celled, trifid style; Fruit -Capsule, globose 3-lobed, seeds sub-globose" 14 It is a common species throughout the mangrove areas of Kerala and one of the widely known mangroves by the local people. Higher density is observed in low saline areas and generally in the backwater mangroves.…”