Technology entrepreneurship plays a significant role in the emergence of new high-tech businesses and the development of the country's economy as a whole. Concerning technological development of a country there is a need for entrepreneurship training, which has certain specificity. Universities in this case generate and adopt elements from the traditional courses of entrepreneurship to the course of technology entrepreneurship. The aim of this study is to explore the present landscape of educational market on the course "Technology entrepreneurship" taught on master degree level programs. The authors took the example of Russian and American universities: Lomonosov Moscow State University, ITMO University, MIT and Stanford. A comparative analysis of MIT, Stanford university and collaboration of Russian universities was carried out according to the criteria of teaching methods and the set of topics covered in courses. Based on the analysis similarities and peculiarities of the course were discovered. The elements of teaching methodology in common were revealed -project approach, teamwork principle, use of case methodology, panel presentations and group discussions, mentoring and coaching. The distribution on topics taught on courses at different universities according to the methodology of Tony Bailetti' clusters was investigated. It showed that all the universities work in all the clusters teaching technology entrepreneurship.
730▪ social innovation (explore strategies and methods for entrepreneurs to create an impact in the world beyond shareholder value); ▪ scaling (learn to navigate the challenges associated with rapid growth).Stanford University also has a Management Science and Engineering master program where it is possible to study courses related to technology entrepreneurship. Students can choose an area of specialty -Technology and Engineering Management. According to the results of the program, students gain skills in managing technical companies, innovations, rapidly developing technologies and dynamic markets. In the process of learning, the implementation of specialized course work is provided. Flexibility is its distinguishing characteristic. For its successful implementation, students deeply study technical organizations. This deep understanding contributes to the development of an entrepreneurial culture and successful innovation (Etzkowitz, 2013). Also within the course, students study methods of decisionmaking in conditions of uncertainty, strategic planning, and financial analysis. Corresponding Author: Evseeva Oksana Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of the conference eISSN: 2357-1330 735 The Technology Entrepreneurship course itself is not in any master program, but it is in the undergraduate programs. Thus, students have the opportunity to gain knowledge of technology entrepreneurship immediately at the undergraduate level. Courses related to technology entrepreneurship are available in Stanford University ...