DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.751701
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Insights From Single Cell RNA Sequencing Into the Immunology of Type 1 Diabetes- Cell Phenotypes and Antigen Specificity

Abstract: In the past few years, huge advances have been made in techniques to analyse cells at an individual level using RNA sequencing, and many of these have precipitated exciting discoveries in the immunology of type 1 diabetes (T1D). This review will cover the first papers to use scRNAseq to characterise human lymphocyte phenotypes in T1D in the peripheral blood, pancreatic lymph nodes and islets. These have revealed specific genes such as IL-32 that are differentially expressed in islet –specific T cells in T1D. s… Show more

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Cited by 16 publications
(15 citation statements)
References 115 publications
(136 reference statements)
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“…Retrotransposons are also expressed in somatic cells, including human disease-specific retrotransposons that are undetectable in bulk genomic and transcriptomic analyses [ 65 ]. In addition, the combination of long-read and short-read sequencing technology in single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) is a powerful analysis technique to study retrotransposon sequences in cell-specific transcriptomes [ 64 , 66 ]. Single-cell sequencing is widely used to reveal the diversity and specificity of the immune cell repertoire in various diseases, from cancer to viral infections and autoimmunity.…”
Section: Technologies For the Study Of Retrotransposonsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Retrotransposons are also expressed in somatic cells, including human disease-specific retrotransposons that are undetectable in bulk genomic and transcriptomic analyses [ 65 ]. In addition, the combination of long-read and short-read sequencing technology in single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) is a powerful analysis technique to study retrotransposon sequences in cell-specific transcriptomes [ 64 , 66 ]. Single-cell sequencing is widely used to reveal the diversity and specificity of the immune cell repertoire in various diseases, from cancer to viral infections and autoimmunity.…”
Section: Technologies For the Study Of Retrotransposonsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…1). Ultimately, tools to robustly and specifically track the repertoire of T cells would markedly increase the chance of successfully developing tolerogenic ASITs for T1D and current hope is on novel single-cell analyses [37,38]. Expansion of the Treg pool has also been attempted using low-dose interleukin (IL) 2 and transfer of polyclonal Tregs [22,[39][40][41].…”
Section: Targeting Immune Cellsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In the pursuit of the ideal biomarker(s), novel technologies, the maturity of which is steadily increasing, offer hope. For example, single-cell RNA sequencing [37,38] and profiling of T-cell receptors [36,58,59] used alone or in combination appear promising but, alas, unvalidated as prognostic, diagnostic, or mechanistic proxies of T1D risk, onset, or progression. In alignment with the central role of T cells in T1D immunopathogenesis, recent studies have found distinct T-cell repertoire profiles [60,61].…”
Section: The Ideal Biomarkermentioning
confidence: 99%
“…FOXO3 is a transcription factor involved in the development and differentiation of regulatory T-cells. High expression levels of FOXO3, along with the ongoing islet autoimmune destruction, in new-onset T1D individuals may explain the exhaustion and dysfunction seen in their regulatory T-cell populations [26][27][28]. miR-375 has been shown to target insulin-induced gene 2 (INSIG2), which regulates insulin secretion and beta-cell mass [25].…”
Section: Pathogenesis and Biomarkersmentioning
confidence: 99%