The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate and report the in vitro performance of a few selected Bioactive-Functionalized Interpenetrating Network Hydrogels (BIOF-IPN); a novel biomaterial with a build-in mechanism of biorepair capacity, bio-adhesion and therapeutic capability. The study also evaluates the cytotoxicity of the newly developed material, and its ability to be used in the dental field. In this study, four bioactive-functionalized interpenetrating network hydrogels (BIOF-IPN) were prepared by dispersion of different therapeutic agents. The dentin bond strength is tested, the bio-adhesivity, modulus of elasticity and cytotoxicity of the materials were investigated, and the performance of the therapeutic-agents release profile, evaluated. The gels used in this study demonstrated excellent capacity in leading to high internal surface areas with low diffusional resistance. An increase in bond strength of the dentin treated with the BIOF-IPNs compared to the bond strength of the conventionally bonded teeth was indicated, and a significant increase in the modulus of elasticity observed. BIOF-INPs showed high adhesive force promotes binding to the negative surface of skin or dentin structure. It was found that chitosan alone increased the cell survival rate remarkably (113%) and its presence with naproxen and ibuprofen increased the cell survival rate [naproxen (93%), chitosan/naproxen (96.6%), ibuprofen (76.6%), and chitosan/ibuprofen (89.1%).The use of BIOF-IPNs has increased the time of the release of therapeutic agents, and protected the active ingredient from any type of free radical damage produced in and around the active site. Present results demonstrate the capability of the BIOF-IPNs to play an important role in the defense mechanism, and in the functional multidimensional restorative repair materials. The findings suggest that the new material would definitely find applications in functional dental composites and regenerative dentistry.