Despite the impressive progress in molecular biochemistry and biophysics, many questions regarding the conformational states of large (transmembrane) protein complexes persist. In the case of the PIEZO protein, investigations by cryogenic electron microscopy (Cryo-EM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) have established a symmetric trimer structure with three long-bladed domains in a propeller-like configuration. A transition of PIEZO protein from curved to flat conformation is hypothesized to actuate closed and open channels for the flow of ions. However, conclusive high-resolution data on the molecular organization of PIEZO in its native form are lacking. To address this shortcoming, we exploit single-particle cryogenic light microscopy (spCryo-LM) to decipher the conformational states of the mouse PIEZO1 protein (mPIEZO1) in the cell membrane. Here, we implement a high-vacuum cryogenic shuttle to transfer shock-frozen unroofed cell membranes in and out of a cryostat for super-resolution microscopy at liquid helium temperature. By localizing fluorescent labels placed at the extremities of the three blades with Ångstrom precision, we ascertain three configurations of the protein with radii of 6, 12, and 20 nm as projected onto the membrane plane. Our data suggest that in the smallest configuration, the blades form a nano-dome structure that is more strongly curved than previously observed and predicted by AlphaFold-3. In the largest conformation, we believe the structure must fully unbend in an anticlockwise manner to form a flat extended state. We attribute the 12 nm conformation, the most frequently occupied state, to an intermediate state and discuss our results in the context of the findings from other groups. Combination of spCryo-LM and Cryo-EM measurements together within situphotothermal stimulation promises to provide quantitative insight into the interplay between structure and function of PIEZO and other biomolecular complexes in their native environments.