6Gravity collapse structures are common features on passive margins and typically have a tripartite 7 configuration including an up-dip extensional domain, transitional domain and a down-dip 8 compressional domain with a common detachment underlying the system. A number of recent studies 9 have classified these systems, yet few document the wide variation in geometry.
10This study documents the gravity collapse structures of the Namibian and South African Orange Basin 11 as these represent some of the best imaged examples globally of this important process. Firstly, we 12 demonstrate the geometry and kinematic evolution of these systems, focussing on examples of the 13 tripartite configuration from a typical collapse. We then highlight the significant variability in the systems 14 structures describing features such as; portions of the system with multiple detachments; systems with 15 stacked synchronous detachments; the temporal evolution of faults within the system. Integrating our 16 observations from a number of sections we present a model explaining the spatial and temporal 17 evolution of the system. This enables us to discuss likely causes of collapse structures but also, by
40In this study we focus on shale detachment systems that, regardless of the driving mechanism
54In this study we look in detail at the three domains along a typical section from the Orange Basin 55 system, before comparing them to other portions of the same collapse structure to observe variations 56 along strike. From these observations we construct a model to explain the temporal evolution of this 57 important margin process. Finally we consider how the margin stratigraphy plays a critical role in the 58 nature of the deformation and propose that this has a significant, and as to now unrecognised control 59 on this process that occurs on many passive margins.
Regional Setting
63The Orange Basin is the southernmost basin on the West African passive margin; forming during the 64 break-up of Gondwana and subsequent spreading of the South Atlantic Ocean (Muntingh & Brown, 65 1993, Brown et al.,1995, Paton et al., 2008, Koopman et al., 2014. (Light et al., 1993, 84 Muntingh & Brown, 1993, Paton et al., 2007, 2008, Hirsch et al., 2010. basin is extensive, though limited to the shelf margin, and has been used by previous studies (e.g.