Generic short-range interacting quantum systems with a conserved quantity exhibit universal diffusive transport at late times. We show how this universality is replaced by a more general transport process in the presence of long-range couplings that decay algebraically with distance as r −α . While diffusion is recovered for large exponents α > 1.5, longer-ranged couplings with 0.5 < α ≤ 1.5 give rise to effective classical Lévy flights; a random walk with step sizes following a distribution which falls off algebraically at large distances. We investigate this phenomenon in a long-range interacting XY spin chain, conserving the total magnetization, at infinite temperature by employing non-equilibrium quantum field theory and semi-classical phase-space simulations. We find that the space-time dependent spin density profiles are self-similar, with scaling functions given by the stable symmetric distributions. As a consequence, autocorrelations show hydrodynamic tails decaying in time as t −1/(2α−1) when 0.5 < α ≤ 1.5. We also extract the associated generalized diffusion constant, and demonstrate that it follows the prediction of classical Lévy flights; quantum many-body effects manifest themselves in an overall time scale depending only weakly on α. Our findings can be readily verified with current trapped ion experiments.of the hydrodynamic tail in the autocorrelation function C(j = 0, t), depends strongly on the long-range exponent arXiv:1909.01351v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas]