Grain-based foods play an essential role in human nutrition. Cereal-based products contain soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, which, by reducing cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, as well as stabilize digestive functions, preventing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Grain products supply the human body not only with energy, but also with protein – by 30-40%, b vitamins by 50-60%, and vitamin E by 80 %. In preliminary studies, 4 types of extruded grain bases were identified from buckwheat, millet, lentils and chickpeas, defined as the basis for fermented dairy products. 20 experiments were carried out in each of the variants using extruded grain bases from buckwheat, millet, lentils and chickpeas with two variants of the milk base – milk with a fat content of 2.5 and 3.2 %. mathematical models of the response function dependences on the selected factors were Obtained, which allowed determining the optimal ratio of ingredients for each of the considered variants. Developed formulation of two dairy products with grain-based extruded from millet based on milk with 2.5% fat and extruded grain-based chickpea based on dairy products with fat content of 3.2%. According to physical and chemical parameters, all samples of fermented milk products met the requirements regulatory documents.