Acoustics is the primary means of sensing and communication in the ocean for humans and many marine animals. Natural fluctuations in the ocean, however, degrade these abilities in ways that have been previously difficult to forecast. Here, we address this issue by predicting sensing and communication degradation in terms of acoustic attenuation, dispersion and temporal decorrelation at typical operational ranges and frequencies in continental-shelf environments. This is done with analytic expressions derived from first physical principles. The analytic expressions provide the statistics of the acoustic field after forward propagating through an ocean waveguide containing 3-D random inhomogeneities from the independent or combined effects of rough sea-surfaces, nearsea-surface air bubbles and internal waves. The formulation also includes Doppler effects caused by the inhomogeneities' random horizontal motion, enabling modeling and prediction over a wide range of environments and frequencies. Theoretical predictions are confirmed with available acoustic measurements in several continental-shelf environments using standard oceanographic measurements for environmental support. We quantify how the acoustic signals decorrelate over timescales determined by the underlying temporal coherence of ocean dynamic processes. Surface gravity waves and near-sea-surface air bubbles decorrelate acoustic signals over seconds or less, whereas internal waves affect acoustic coherence at timescales of several to tens of minutes. Doppler spread caused by the inhomogeneities' motion further reduces acoustic temporal coherence, and becomes important at the high frequencies necessary for communication and fine-scale sensing. We also show that surface gravity waves and bubbles in high sea states can cause increasingly significant attenuation as frequency increases. The typical durations of marine mammal vocalizations that carry over great distances are found to be consistent with the coherence timescales quantified here and so avoid random distortion of signal information even by incoherent reception. Acoustics is the primary means of sensing and communication in the ocean for applications in such diverse areas as ocean resource management, marine ecology, climatology, oceanography and national defense 1-9. This is due to the severe attenuation of electromagnetic waves in water 3. Current ocean sensing limitations make marine resource management challenging. Without significant improvements in ocean sensing it will be difficult to address the unprecedented decline in many oceanic species recently described and predicted by the United Nations 10. Many marine animals also use acoustics to communicate, navigate, and locate food 11-13. Natural fluctuations and resulting inhomogeneities in the ocean such as surface waves, internal waves and bubbles, however, can significantly degrade acoustic sensing and communication abilities 14-18 by introducing attenuation, dispersion and coherence losses that limit operational ranges, time windows and freq...