-From the perspective of life course, We focused on Chinese Republic Peers women's work careers, exploiting 16 interviews on women born in Beijing between 1945 and 1959 and discussed the factors which impact on the formations of their work careers. Job shifts across different workplaces were found from most of the interviewees' experience. On the other hand, the wave mode of career movement was also conceived to be another dimension in women's occupational lives. Till the first resignation, as for the interviewees whose work careers are put into "wave mode" or "downward mode", the downward mobility mostly is related to the shifts among units while the upward mobility is mostly realized within the same unit. These typical phenomena can be considered as a consequence of the changes in Chinese society and national policies. But at the same time, the interviewees' narratives also show that these women's work careers are more significantly linked to their life events in terms of family life comparing with their husbands.