I have a Ph.D. in Computer Science, M.Sc. in Engineering, and B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering. I am currently serving as Professor of Computer Science and have served as a Chair for Department of Computer Science and Information Systems in the school of Engineering and Computing at the National University in San Diego, USA. I am also the Academic Program Director for MS in Computer Science In past I have served as Chair of the University Research Council, Chair of Council of Chairs, Chair of the Undergraduate Council Program review committee, Chair of the Graduate Council Program review committee and Chair of the School of Academic Affairs committee. My association with ABET USA dates back to 2001, have served as the Commissioner for the Computer Accreditation Commission (CAC), ABET Visit Team Chair. Currently serving and Program Evaluator for BSc in Computer Science and BSc in Information Systems. I have secured several grants including Full Bright and have served on numerous international Ph.D. Thesis committees, been a member of the editorial boards for 8 international journals, served as the Chair and Co-Chair for 20 international conferences, and served on more than 240 international conference program committees. He has been invited to a number of international conferences as Invited Speaker, chaired panel discussions and numerous international conference sessions. I am a member of ACM, ASEE, ASEE/PSW and CSAB. I have served as ASEE-CIT Division Chair and Program Chair in the past and now again serving as Program chair.