The thermodynamic properties of liquid dilute zinc solutions at a lead concentration of Xpb ----0.01-0.7 molar fraction were determined by means of emf measurements of concentration cells. These investigations combined with previous analogical experiments at a tin concentration ot Xsn ----0.01-0.1 molar fraction enabled the calculation of ternary interaction parameters czn Pb and eznS~ from plots (in ~zn)xz,r~o vs. Xpb. For the binary end-points on the plots in 7 vs. X and (In ~ ) vs. X separate measurements were carried Zn Pb Zn XZ n---> 0 Pb out for Zn-Sn and Zn-Pb systems at concentrations up to 0.1 molar fraction of zinc. Experimental results were interpreted by means of Krupkowski's formalism and attempts were made to calculate eZn Pb and ezn sn On the basis of limiting values of activity coefficients of components of binary systems Zn-Sn, Zn-Pb, and Pb-Sn.Initiated several years ago, experimental investigations on dilute binary and ternary liquid metal solutions by the emf method of concentration ceils have several aims. First of all, from the experimental point of view it was necessary to adjust the concentration range where the emf method of concentration cells gives satisfactory results. It was shown that experiments on zinc alloys at a concentration of Xz, ----0.01-0.1 molar fraction give results associated with considerable error, in the case of alloys like Zn-Cd (1), Zn-In (2), and Zn-Ga (3) with components which are close in position to zinc in the electromotive series. This is the result of side reactions between ZnC12 from the electrolyte and cadmium, indium, gallium from the alloy electrode, respectively. As a result, when composite binaries show side reactions, experiments in the ternary systems (4) were not carried out at the lowest concentration, Xzn = 0.01 mole fraction. The binary systems influence the thermodynamic behavior in ternary systems, especially when they show considerable deviations from Raoult's law. For example the Zn-Pb system with marked positive deviations, plays a decisive role in investigations on ternary systems when small amounts of a third component (Bi,Sb,In, and Cd) are added (4). The present measurements on the Zn-Pb-Sn ternary system fit this pattern. The analysis of the plots (In Vzn)xz,.~0 vs. X i (where i is component 2 or 3 of the investigated ternary) have shown that the direction and magnitude of deviation from linear dependence is directly connected with properties of the 2-3 system without zinc (4). The aim of the present paper is the determination of ternary interaction parameters eZn Pb and Ezn sn from experimental data from plots (ln 7z )Xz,_~0 vs. Xpb. These plots were obtained by combining the results from a previous paper (5) at Xsn ~ 0.01-0.1 with the data presented in this paper at XVD ----0.01-0.7 mole fraction. Some attempts were carried out also to calculate both ezn rb and ,za sn from the limiting values of the activity coefficients of the composite binaries.
ExperimentalExperiments were carried out over the temperature range 714~176 by means of co...