Kernels are widely used in the food industry because of their high nutritional value. The nutshell obtained by hulling is used as an absorbent. Currently, hulling is carried out without pre-treatment of the shell. However, lowering the temperature allows for reducing the material's strength. When the temperature of cold brittleness is reached, the shell's strength characteristics are reduced, which decreases the cost of breaking. To determine the tensile strength of hazelnut shells at various temperatures, the authors used the method of compressive testing. Compressive testing of materials was carried out using a PM-MG4 universal hydraulic testing machine. An Evercam 1000-8-M highspeed camera was used to determine the deformation amount. To reveal the material's propensity to brittle fracture, the samples were subjected to dynamic loading on a special installation -a pendulum-type copra. Determining the temperature of cold brittleness allowed for designing highly efficient methods of hulling and its instrumentation. The article presents methods for studying the shell's strength characteristics at various temperatures in the range from 25 to -190℃. The results for compressive strength and impact strength of the shell at different temperatures were given. The range of cold brittleness of the shell was determined. The experimental results showed that a decrease in the temperature of the shell led to a transition from mixed to brittle character of the shell's destruction at a temperature range of -40...-80℃. Lowering the shell's temperature reduced its tensile strength by an average of 25-30%, depending on the size of the nut. The obtained results can be used in the development of new methods and technologies based on them for hulling hazelnuts. The values of the shell's tensile strength can be used in the design and calculation of equipment for breaking.