Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the association of clinical results with preoperative situation of worker compensation (WC) in patients submitted to spine surgery. Methods: This was a retrospective, comparative, single center study. Patients who underwent lumbar spine arthrodesis were included. The outcomes were pain scores (VAS), physical constraint (ODI) and quality of life (EQ-5D). Outcomes were analyzed before surgery and after surgery (minimum follow-up of six months and maximum of 12). Two groups were compared: individuals with or without WC at preoperative visit. Results: A total of 132 cases were analyzed (mean age 54 years and 51% female), 29 (22%) assigned to the WC group. The groups were matched for age, sex, and preoperative depression levels. In the preoperative period, the groups showed equal pain and physical constraint; however the CT group had lower quality of life (p=0.05). Although both groups showed improvement in clinical outcomes after surgery (p<0.05), worse scores were observed for the WC group compared to the non-WC group, respectively: VAS 4.9 vs. 3.2 (p=0.02), ODI 34.7 vs. 23.4 (p=0.002), and EQ-5D 0.56 vs. 0.75 (p=0.01). Conclusion: In this study it was possible to observe that WC is associated with worse clinical results following elective surgical treatment of the lumbar spine.Keywords: Spine/surgery; Working conditions; Quality of life; Work; Arthrodesis; Spinal fusion; Psychology, social. CT, respectivamente: EVA 4,9 vs. 3,2 (p = 0,02), ODI 34,7 vs. 23,4 (p = 0,56 vs. 0,75 (p = 0,01 (p < 0,05), se observaron puntuaciones más bajas en el grupo de CL en comparación con el grupo sin CL, respectivamente: EVA 4,9 vs. 3,2 (p = 0,02), ODI 34,7 vs. 23,4 (p = 0,56 vs. 0,75 (p = 0,01). Conclusión: En el presente estudio fue posible observar que la CL está vinculada a peores resultados clínicos después del tratamiento quirúrgico electivo de la columna lumbar.
nível de depressão pré-operatória. No pré-operatório os grupos se mostraram iguais quanto a dor e restrição física, porém, o grupo com CT apresentava qualidade de vida inferior (p = 0,05). Apesar de os dois grupos terem mostrado melhora nos desfechos clínicos após a cirurgia (p < 0,05), observaram-se piores escores para o grupo com CT comparado com grupo sem