Fructokinase, the B isoenzyme of fructosediphosphate aldolase and triokinase, the three enzymes of the Hers' pathway for fructose metabolism, are constitutive in adult rats.A quantitative model of the metabolic crossroads of D-glyceraldehyde has been developed. This model permits a prediction of the relative contributions of the phosphorylative, oxidative and reductive pathways in different conditions. The main pathway for D-glyceraldehyde metabolism in liver is phosphorylation by triokinase. Glyceraldehyde is the center of a metabolic crossroads (Fig.1). Claims have been made for its incorporation into the common glycolytic pathway a t three levels: (a), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, by means of a triokinase [6] ; (b), 2-phosphoglycerate, through the action in sequence of aldehyde dehydrogenaseL [7-91 and glycerate kinase [lo-121 ; and (c), dihydroxyacetone phosphate through a pathway that involves 3 enzymic steps: an alcohol dehydrogenase [13-151, glycerol kinase [16,17] and glycerolphosphate oxidase [18].Studies on the activity in rat liver in different nutritional conditions of enzymes potentially involved in fructose metabolism are reported in this paper. A kinetic evaluation of these enzymes, particularly those a t the glyceraldehyde crossroads permits the