ABSTRACF. Plasma, amniotic fluid, and tissue concentra-Control animals were allowed free access to both food and water. tions of IGF-I were examined in nutritionally deprived, Sampling was performed on d 2 1 in all animals, after intraperigrowth-retarded fetal rats to determine whether IGF-I toneal pentobarbital (45 mg/kg) administration. Midline lapaconcentration serves as a marker for nutritional status. rotomy incision was used to expose the uterine horns. Fetuses in Growth retardation was induced by 72 h of maternal fast-each horn were counted, and the two inferior fetuses of each ing. Twenty-three control and 17 growth-retarded fetuses horn were sampled to match the control and test group with were individually analyzed and compared. Plasma IGF-I regard to intrauterine location. A maximum of four fetuses per concentrations were significantly lower in test compared dam were analyzed to insure matching of uterine location bewith control animals (test 56.8 f 14.9, control 87.4 f 17.5 tween groups and to minimize any metabolic impact of the ng/mL, p < 0.01). Amniotic fluid IGF-I concentrations surgical procedure. Only those fetuses in whom results from all were not different (test 14.0 f 8.7, control 12.2 f 2.6 ng/ specimens were available were included in the analyses. The mL). IGF-I concentrations obtained from both placental sampling sequence was initiated by the removal of amniotic fluid and hepatic tissues were lower in test compared with with a 19-or 20-gauge 1-mL syringe. The fetus was then removed control animals [placenta: test 293 f 25 versus control 655 from its location in the uterine horn, and an axillary cutdown f 114 ng/g (p < 0.001); hepatic: test 173 k 38 versus was performed (15). Fetal blood was collected by heparinized control 230 f 51 ng/g ( p < 0.01)]. Reductions in fetal, capillary tube, placed on ice, and centrifuged for 15 min at 12 placental, and hepatic weights in test animals were more 000 X g. The fetus was separated from the placenta, and the closely related to changes in placental IGF-I concentration fetus, placenta, and then fetal liver were weighed. The placenta than to either plasma or hepatic IGF-I concentrations. We and liver were quickfrozen in liquid nitrogen. All samples were conclude that fetal plasma IGF-I is a valuable marker for stored at -80°C until analysis. After fetal sampling, a maternal intrauterine substrate deprivation and that the growth-venous plasma sample was obtained from the inferior vena cava retarded rat fetus is accurately identified and specifically just below the renal vein. Euthanasia was performed by means characterized by a low placental concentration of extract-of exsanguination after all samples had been obtained. Individual Analyses. IGF-I concentrations in maternal and fetal plasma and amniotic fluid were determined by RIA [National Institute Circulating concentrations of IGF-I are influenced by both of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases somatomedin-C growth hormone and nutritional status (1-10). Although the antiserum (polyclonal) cod...