The putative role played by insulin sensitizers in modulating adipose tissue lipolysis in the fasting state was evaluated in obese conscious Zucker rats treated with troglitazone or ,Ј-tetramethylhexadecanedioic acid (MEDICA 16) and compared with nontreated lean and obese animals. The rates of appearance (R a) of glycerol and free fatty acid (FFA), primary intra-adipose reesterification, and secondary reuptake of plasma FFA in adipose fat were measured using constant infusion of stable isotope-labeled [ ]palmitate. The overall lipolytic flux (R a glycerol) was increased 1.7-and 1.4-fold in obese animals treated with troglitazone or MED-ICA 16, respectively, resulting in increased FFA export (R a FFA) in the troglitazone-treated rats. Primary intra-adipose reesterification of lipolysis-derived fatty acids was enhanced twofold by insulin sensitizers, whereas reesterification of plasma fatty acids was unaffected by either treatment. Despite the unchanged R a FFA in MEDICA 16 or the increased Ra FFA induced by troglitazone, very low density lipoprotein production rates were robustly curtailed. Total adipose tissue reesterification, used as an estimate of glucose conversion to glycerideglycerol, was increased 1.9-fold by treatment with the insulin sensitizers. Our results indicate that, in the fasting state, insulin sensitizers induce, in vivo, a significant activation rather than suppression of adipose tissue lipolysis together with stimulation of glucose conversion to glyceride-glycerol. thiazolidinediones; stable isotopes; reesterification; ,Ј-tetramethylhexadecanedioic acid DISORDERS OF FAT STORAGE and mobilization are central factors in the pathogenesis of many of the metabolic features of the insulin resistance syndrome and type 2 diabetes. Sensitization to insulin by thiazolidinediones (TZD) currently used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes results in lowering of plasma glucose and insulin levels, accompanied by decreased plasma triglycerides (TG) and free fatty acid (FFA) (see Ref. 20). The mechanism by which TZD induce sensitization to insulin is still not clear. The prevailing explanation is that insulin sensitizers decrease adipose tissue lipolytic rates, resulting in a decrease in plasma FFA. FFA lowering by TZD may promote sensitization to insulin because of decreased diacylglycerol with protein kinase C attenuation (14) or via the Randle cycle, where glucose utilization by muscle is inversely correlated with the use of FFA (35,36).This model seems to prevail in the fed state, as judged by the reported decrease in plasma FFA (4, 18) and in FFA flux during the insulin clamp (20) after TZD treatment. However, in the fasting state, at least in rodents, contradictory results were reported. Although Bowen et al. (3) reported a significant decrease in plasma FFA concentrations in fasted Zucker rats treated with troglitazone, troglitazone had no effect on plasma FFA levels of fasted rats made hyperglycemic by glucose infusion (25). Oakes et al. (27) further demonstrated that TZD treatment of postabsorpti...