The rumen is an important digestive organ in which fermentation processes take place. Improving the rumen development of growing cattle is one of the major tasks. The need for ruminants in amino acids is as great as in mono-gastric animals. The rumen microorganisms cannot synthesize microbial protein in sufficient quantity to cover the need of developmental growth.
The experiments were conducted on calves from four to five months of age at the «Za myr» farm in Sumy district, Sumy region. The calves were divided into three experimental groups of 10 animals each. The first experimental group was fed powder not protected methionine at a dose of 10 grams per animal, the second group was fed granulated methionine at a dose of 10 grams per animal for a month.
The results suggest that bacterial count increased by 84,3%; Paramecium caudatum by 29,4 %; Entodiniomorpha by 26,6 % in the first experimental group to the 30th day. In the second group the indicators also changed after a month of research. The bacterial count was 93,2 % higher; Paramecium caudatum by 42,5 %; Entodiniomorpha by 25,9 % compared to control.
According to the results of the experiment, we can assumed that powder methionine as well as granular had a positive effect on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the rumen microflora. In the first experimental group content of total nitrogen was higher by 12,2 % and protein content by 19,6 % compared to controls. In the second experimental group, where calves were fed a granulated methionine, content of total nitrogen was higher by 15,6 % and protein content by 22,4 % compared to controls. The residual nitrogen concentration significantly decreased by 32,2 % in the first group of calves and by 29,9 % in the second.
It was experimentally proved that the enriched of granulated and non-granulated methionine food additives helped to increase the number of microorganisms in the rumen and increase the concentration of nitrogen in the rumen.