We study 3D $$ \mathcal{N} $$
= 2 supersymmetric field theories geometrically engineered from M-theory on non-compact Calabi-Yau fourfolds (CY4). We establish a detailed dictionary between the geometry and topology of non-compact CY4 and the physics of 3D $$ \mathcal{N} $$
= 2 theories in three different regimes. The first one is the Coulomb branch description when the CY4 is smooth. The second one is non-abelian gauge theory when the CY4 has a degenerate ℙ1-fibration structure. The third one is the strongly coupled SCFT from a CY4 singularity. We find interesting flavor symmetry enhancements in the singular limit of CY4, as well as an interesting and previously unexplored phenomenon in 3D, termed “flavor symmetry duality”. Many examples are analyzed with an emphasis on toric CY4s and ℂ4 orbifolds with crepant resolutions. We develop a new brane box method to study the physics of Coulomb branch of 3D $$ \mathcal{N} $$
= 2 theory that admits a toric construction. Via IIB/M-theory duality we find that the brane box diagram living in ℝ3 can be physically realized as a configuration of intersecting 4-branes which are extended objects in 8D maximal supersymmetric theory, which is shown to be consistent via various chains of dualities. The rank, effective gauge coupling and certain hints to flavor symmetry enhancement of the 3D $$ \mathcal{N} $$
= 2 theory are read off from the brane box and cross-checked against the results obtained from geometric engineering. The exotic branes in 8D maximal supersymmetric theory and the 4-string junctions thereof are shown to play a crucial role in the construction of the brane box.