In this paper, the local well-posedness for the Cauchy problem of a two-component higher-order Camassa-Holm system (2HOCH) is established in Besov spaces(and also in Sobolev spaces × −2 = 2,2 × −2 2,2 with > 5∕2), which improves the corresponding results for higher-order Camassa-Holm in [7,24,25], where the Sobolev index = 3, > 7∕2, ≥ 7∕2 is required, respectively. Then the precise blow-up mechanism and global existence for the strong solutions of 2HOCH are determined in the lowestFinally, the Gevrey regularity and analyticity of the 2HOCH are presented. K E Y W O R D S 2HOCH, analyticity, Gevrey regularity, local well-posedness, wave breaking M S C ( 2 0 1 0 ) 35G25, 35L15, 35Q53, 35Q58This family of so-called -equations possess peakon solution and wave breaking(see [20,27] and references therein). By using Painlevé analysis [15,16], there are only two asymptotically integrable equations within this family: the Camassa-Holm (CH) equation (Eq. (1.2) with = 2, c.f. [4,5]) and the Degasperis-Procesi (DP) equation (Eq. (1.2) with = 3, c.f. [15]). Integrable Mathematische Nachrichten. 2018;291:1595-1619.How to cite this article: Zhou S. Well-posedness, blow-up phenomena and analyticity for a two-component higher order Camassa-Holm system.