Given positive integers m, k and s with m > ks, let D m,k,s represent the set {1, 2, • • • , m} − {k, 2k, • • • , sk}. The distance graph G(Z, D m,k,s ) has as vertex set all integers Z and edges connecting i and j whenever |i − j| ∈ D m,k,s . The chromatic number and the fractional chromatic number of G(Z, D m,k,s ) are denoted by χ(Z, D m,k,s ) and χ f (Z, D m,k,s ), respectively. For s = 1, χ(Z, D m,k,1 ) was studied by Eggleton, Erdős and Skilton [6], Kemnitz and Kolberg [12], and Liu [13], and was solved lately by Chang, Liu and Zhu [2] who also determined χ f (Z, D m,k,1 ) for any m and k. This article extends the study of χ(Z, D m,k,s ) and χ f (Z, D m,k,s ) to general values of s. We proveThe latter result provides a good lower bound for χ(Z, D m,k,s ). A general upper bound for χ(Z, D m,k,s ) is found. We prove the upper bound can be improved to (m + sk + 1)/(s + 1) + 1 for some values of m, k and s. In particular, when s + 1 is prime, χ(Z, D m,k,s ) is either (m + sk + 1)/(s + 1) or (m + sk + 1)/(s + 1) + 1. By using a special coloring method called the pre-coloring method, many distance graphs G(Z, D m,k,s ) are classified into * Supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant DMS 9805945. † Supported in part by the National Science Council under grant NSC87-2115-M110-004.these two possible values of χ(Z, D m,k,s ). Moreover, complete solutions of χ(Z, D m,k,s ) for several families are determined including the case s = 1 (solved in [2]), the case s = 2, the case (k, s + 1) = 1, and the case that k is a power of a prime.