We present a set of techniques that enhances a previously developed time domain simulation of wave propagation and allows the study of the optical response of a broad range of dielectric photonic structures. This method is particularly suitable for dealing with complex biological structures, especially due to the simple and intuitive way of defining the setup and the photonic structure to be simulated, which can be done via a digital image of the structure. The presented techniques include a direction filter that permits the decoupling of waves traveling simultaneously in different directions, a dynamic differential absorber to cancel the waves reflected at the edges of the simulation space, and a multifrequency excitation scheme. We also show how the simulation can be adapted to apply a near to far field method in order to evaluate the resulting wavefield outside the simulation domain. We validate these techniques, and, as an example, we apply the method to the complex structure of a microorganism called Diachea leucopoda, which exhibits a multicolor iridescent appearance.