For an analytic function f defined on the unit disk |z| < 1, let ∆(r, f ) denote the area of the image of the subdisk |z| < r under f , where 0 < r ≤ 1. In 1990, Yamashita conjectured that ∆(r, z/f ) ≤ πr 2 for convex functions f and it was finally settled in 2013 by Obradović and et. al.. In this paper, we consider a class of analytic functions in the unit disk satisfying the subordination relation zf ′ (z)/f (z) ≺ (1 + (1 − 2β)αz)/(1 − αz) for 0 ≤ β < 1 and 0 < α ≤ 1. We prove Yamashita's conjecture problem for functions in this class, which solves a partial solution to an open problem posed by Ponnusamy and Wirths.