Abstract. We study a modified version of Lerman-Whitehouse Menger-like curvature defined for (m + 2) points in an n-dimensional Euclidean space. For 1 ≤ l ≤ m + 2 and an m-dimensional set Σ ⊂ R n we also introduce global versions of this discrete curvature, by taking supremum with respect to (m+2−l) points on Σ. We then define geometric curvature energies by integrating one of the global Menger-like curvatures, raised to a certain power p, over all l-tuples of points on Σ. Next, we prove that if Σ is compact and m-Ahlfors regular and if p is greater than the dimension of the set of all l-tuples of points on Σ (i.e. p > ml), then the P. Jones' β-numbers of Σ must decay as r τ with r → 0 for some τ ∈ (0, 1). If Σ is an immersed C 1 manifold or a bilipschitz image of such set then it follows that it is Reifenberg flat with vanishing constant, hence (by a theorem of David, Kenig and Toro) an embedded C 1,τ manifold. We also define a wide class of other sets for which this assertion is true. After that, we bootstrap the exponent τ to the optimal one α = 1 − ml/p showing an analogue of the Morrey-Sobolev embedding theorem W 2,p ⊆ C 1,α . Moreover, we obtain a qualitative control over the local graph representations of Σ only in terms of the energy.