We first show joint uniform distribution of values of Kloosterman sums or Birch sums among all extensions of a finite field Fq, for almost all couples of arguments in F q , as well as lower bounds on differences. Using similar ideas, we then study the biases in the distribution of generalized angles of Gaussian primes over function fields and primes in short intervals over function fields, following recent works of Rudnick-Waxman and Keating-Rudnick, building on cohomological interpretations and determinations of monodromy groups by Katz. Our results are based on generic linear independence of Frobenius eigenvalues of ℓ-adic representations, that we obtain from integral monodromy information via the strategy of Kowalski, which combines his large sieve for Frobenius with a method of Girstmair. An extension of the large sieve is given to handle wild ramification of sheaves on varieties.Remark 1.5. Applying Deligne's equidistribution theorem and [Kat88, Kat90] would show that ´fq n pa `b1 q, . . . , f q n pa `bt q ¯aPF q n , a`b i ‰0 converges in law (with respect to the uniform measure), as q n Ñ 8, to a random vector in Ω t r distributed with respect to the product measure ptr ˚µr q bt , when b i P F q n1 Here and from now on, δB will denote the Kronecker symbol with respect to a binary variable B, i.e. δB " 1 if B is true, 0 otherwise. In particular, r δ r odd is equal to r if the latter is odd, and to 1 otherwise.