The spherical functions of the noncompact Grassmann manifolds Gp,q(F) = G/K over the (skew-)fields F = R, C, H with rank q ≥ 1 and dimension parameter p > q can be described as Heckman-Opdam hypergeometric functions of type BC, where the double coset space G//K is identified with the Weyl chamber C B q ⊂ R q of type B. The corresponding product formulas and Harish-Chandra integral representations were recently written down by M. Rösler and the author in an explicit way such that both formulas can be extended analytically to all real parameters p ∈ [2q − 1, ∞[, and that associated commutative convolution structures * p on C B q exist. In this paper we study the associated moment functions and the dispersion of probability measures on C B q with the aid of this generalized integral representation. This leads to strong laws of large numbers and central limit theorems for associated time-homogeneous random walks on (C B q , * p) where the moment functions and the dispersion appear in order to determine drift vectors and covariance matrices of these limit laws explicitely. For integers p, all results have interpretations for G-invariant random walks on the Grassmannians G/K.Besides the BC-cases we also study the spaces GL(q, F)/U (q, F), which are related to Weyl chambers of type A, and for which corresponding results hold. For the rank-one-case q = 1, the results of this paper are well-known in the context of Jacobi-type hypergroups on [0, ∞[.