“…Let H be an Euclidean space with inner product •; • : H × H → C, N 0 = N ∪ {0}, m ∈ N 0 , n; m = [n; m] ∩ N 0 and n; m = ∅ if n > m. Suppose that a certain linear operator A : H → H has a countable set of simple eigenvalues {λ k : k ∈ N} and a corresponding system of eigenvectors {ψ k : k ∈ N} that is complete and minimal after removing, for example, the first m ∈ N members, or the adjoint operator of A has no eigenvalues. Such operators arise naturally in the study of some boundary value problems (see, for example, [3,4,10,14,16] and the reference therein), for instance, in the study of boundary value problems for Bessel's equation (see [8,12,13,18,19,25,26]). The problem is how to find a biorthogonal system (U n : n ∈ N\1; m).…”