“…We wonder about how to characterize our irreducible factors among the modular representations of the symplectic group Sp(2g, F p ) in characteristic p. As a step in this direction, in the case p = 5, we have identified our dimensions e (2) In the genus one case, where F (Σ) itself is irreducible, we have e 1 (p) = 0. In this case, we computed the modular representation F (Σ 1 (2c)) for any p and c already in [GM2], where we showed that F (Σ 1 (2c)) (which was denoted by S + p,0 (T c ) in [GM2]) is isomorphic to the space of homogeneous polynomials over F p in two variables of total degree (p − 3)/2 − c. It is wellknown that this representation of Sp(2, F p ) = SL(2, F p ) is irreducible for every c ≤ (p − 3)/2.…”