This study aimed to analyzed the feasibility of YouTube-based learning videos on volumetric material developed by teachers of grade 3 at SDIT Muhammadiyah Alkutsar based on 4 aspects, namely content aspects, linguistic aspects, presentation aspects, and visual aspects. The approach used in this study was qualitative with a content analysis design. The technique used in this study was documentation. Data were analyzed by data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of this study were shown from the analysis of YouTube-based learning video content for volumetric volume materials with the title "Mathematics Stabilization Class 3". The content aspect analysis obtained a percentage of 90% with a decent category, the presentation aspect got 95% with a suitable variety, the linguistic element got 75% with a reasonably proper type, and the graphic part got 75% with a fairly decent category. This study implied that YouTube-based learning videos for volumetric materials developed by SDIT Muhammadiyah Alkutsar teachers were categorized as suitable learning videos as learning media. This study revealed the feasibility of YouTube-based learning videos developed by SDIT Muhammadiyah Alkautsar teachers as learning media.