The increase in the use of e-books in education is growing rapidly. Along with the development of information technology there is no standard measurement to measure the quality of a software product in the development of e-Book. In this study focused on breakthrough technological development on the quality evaluation of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. As such, this paper presents a study to test the quality of the software by implementing the ISO 9126 standard, especially the external quality model of the E-Book. There are five models to determine the quality of a software namely Boehm, FURPS, McCall, Dromey and ISO-9126. The implementation of ISO 9126 in E-Book resulted in the identification of five quality characteristics namely functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, and portability. Of these five characteristics result in sixteen sub characteristics among others suitability, accurateness, ecurity, interoperability, maturity, fault-tolerance, coverability, understandability, learnability, operability, attractiveness, Time behavior, adaptability, installability, coexistence, replaceability. There are two contributions of this paper, namely the software quality Model for e-Book; and identification of quality metrics to support the evaluation of software PRODUCT xproducts. The results of implementing ISO 9126 models are used to test the quality of the software products in e-books and software quality metrics.Index Terms-E-Book, ISO 9126, software.
Abstrak--Peningkatan penggunaan e-Book dalam dunia pendidikan semakin berkembang cukup pesat. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi belum ada standart pengukuran untuk mengukur kualitas suatu produk perangkat lunak dalam pengembangan e-Book. Pada penelitian ini fokus pada terobosan pengembangan teknologi pada evaluasi kualitas produk perangkat lunak. Dengan demikian, paper ini menyajikan studi untuk menguji kualitas perangkat lunak dengan menerapkanstandar ISO 9126, khususnya model kualitas eksternal pada e-Book. Terdapat lima model untuk menentukan kualitas dari suatu software yaitu Boehm, FURPS, McCall, Dromey dan ISO-9126. Penerapan ISO 9126 pada e-Book menghasilkan identifikasi lima karakteristik kualitas yaitu functionality, reliability, usability , efficiency, dan portability. Dari lima karakteristik tersebut menghasilkan enam belas sub karakteristik antara lain suitability, accurateness, security, interoperability, maturity, fault-tolerance, recoverability, understandability, learnability, operability, attractiveness, time behavior, adaptability, installability, coexistence, replaceability. Ada dua kontribusi dari paper ini, yaitu Model Kualitas Perangkat Lunak untuk e-Book; dan identifikasi metrik kualitas untuk mendukung evaluasi xproduk perangkat lunak. Hasil penerapan model ISO 9126 digunakan untuk menguji kualitas produk perangkat lunak dalam e-Book dan metrik kualitas perangkat lunak. Kata Kunci-E-book, ISO 9126, Perangkat Lunak. Penerapan ISO 9126 Dalam Pengujian Kualitas Perangkat Lunak pada E-book P MATICS : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi ...