We study the deterministic dynamics of networks N composed by m non identical, mutually pulse-coupled cells. We assume weighted, asymmetric and positive (cooperative) interactions among the cells, and arbitrarily large values of m. We consider two cases of the network's graph: the complete graph, and the existence of a large core (i.e. a large complete subgraph). First, we prove that the system periodically eventually synchronizes with a natural "spiking period" p ≥ 1, and that if the cells are mutually structurally identical or similar, then the synchronization is complete (p = 1) . Second, we prove that the amount of information H that N generates or processes, equals log p. Therefore, if N completely synchronizes, the information is null. Finally, we prove that N protects the cells from their risk of death.MSC 2010: Primary: 37NXX, 92B20; Secondary: 34D06, 05C82, 94A17, 92B25