An overview is provided of the experimental aerodynamics test program to ensure mission success for the autonomous ight of the Hyper-X research vehicle, a 12-ft-long, 2700-lb lifting body technology demonstrator designed to ight demonstrate for the rst time a fully airframe-integrated scramjet propulsion system. Three ights are planned, two at Mach 7 and one at Mach 10. The research vehicles will be boosted to the prescribed scramjet engine test point, where they will separate from the booster, stabilize, and initiate engine test. Following more than 5 s of powered ight and 15 s of cowl-open tares, the cowl will close, and the vehicle will y a controlled deceleration trajectory, which includes numerous control doublets for in-ight aerodynamic parameter identi cation. The pre ight testing activities, wind-tunnel models, test rationale, risk reduction activities, and sample results from wind-tunnel tests supporting the ight trajectory from hypersonic engine test point through subsonic ight termination are reviewed.lift coef cient derivative with respect to angle of attack, deg ¡1 C L ±e = lift coef cient derivative with respect to elevator de ection, deg ¡1 C l = rolling moment coef cient, (rolling moment=q 1 S ref b ref ) C l¯= rolling moment coef cient derivative with respect to sideslip angle, deg ¡1 C l±a = rolling moment coef cient derivative with respect to aileron de ection, deg ¡1 C l±r = rolling moment coef cient derivative with respect to rudder de ection, deg ¡1 C m = pitching moment coef cient, (pitching moment=q 1 S ref l ref ) C m ® = pitching moment coef cient derivative with respect to angle of attack, deg ¡1 C m ±e = pitching moment coef cient derivative with respect to elevator de ection, deg ¡1 C N = normal force coef cient, (normal force=q 1 S ref ) C n = yawing moment coef cient, (yawing moment=q 1 S ref b ref ) C n¯= yawing moment coef cient derivative with respect to sideslip angle, deg ¡1 C n±a = yawing moment coef cient derivative with respect to aileron de ection, deg ¡1 C n±r = yawing moment coef cient derivative with respect to rudder de ection, deg ¡1 ‡ Aerospace Engineer, Vehicle Analysis Branch, MS 365. Senior Member AIAA. C Y = side force coef cient, (side force=q 1 S ref ) C Y¯= side force coef cient derivative with respect to sideslip angle, deg ¡1 C Y ±a = side force coef cient derivative with respect to aileron de ection, deg ¡1 C Y ±r = side force coef cient derivative with respect to rudder de ection, deg ¡1 l ref = Hyper-X vehicle reference length, ft q 1 = freestream dynamic pressure ( 1 2 ½ 1 V 2 1 ), psf S ref = Hyper-X vehicle reference area, ft 2 V 1 = freestream velocity, ft/s ® = angle of attack, deḡ = sideslip angle, deg ± a= aileron de ection angle, achieved by differential wing de ection (± rw ¡ ± lw /, deg ± e = elevator de ection angle, achieved by symmetric wing de ection (± rw C ± lw /=2, deg ± lr = left rudder de ection angle, deg ± lw = left full-ying wing de ection angle, deg ± r = rudder de ection angle (± rr C ± lr /=2, deg ± rr = right rudder de ection angl...