In this chapter, we elaborate how formal verification techniques can be used to ensure safety properties of automated production systems during their evolution. First we discuss the opportunities that formal methods offer, particularly when dealing with the evolution of automated production systems, but also which special needs this particular domain requires from the formal methods to be applied. We argue that evolution allows the seamless combination of experiential knowledge with formally founded reasoning.We exemplarily present three approaches that successfully incorporate a formal verification technique for analysis, modelling, or reasoning, into the system evolution process, namely, regression verification, generalised test tables, and model checking of holistic (multidomain) models.All three approaches contribute to the guiding theme Methods and Processes for Evolution of the priority programme.While formal verification methods have the potential of being used in several application fields, we concentrate on the aspect of ensuring correctness (in the form of maintaining safety properties or consistency with earlier versions). We focus on techniques that operate on the actual implementation (the code executed on a plant) rather than on more abstract behavioural descriptions. Here, we describe the logical foundations and technical aspects of the applied formal verification techniques and their applications; their benefits for the user, as far as system and model comprehensibility are concerned; and the embedding into development processes are discussed in Sect. 10.