[a] 1Introduction Theu se of microneedles for drug delivery and sensing has rapidly advanced over the past two decades,o ffering the possibility of minimally invasive access,s elf-administration,a nd efficient drugl oading [1].M icroneedle-based devices were initially developed to overcomet he limitations the stratum corneuml ayer of the skin imposes on diffusion of pharmaceutical agents,e specially largem olecular weight compounds( e.g. vaccines), from the skin surface to deeper tissues,a nd have most recently been investigated for use in tissue suture and diagnostic applications [1][2][3].S olid, degradable,a nd hollow microneedles comprise the mainn eedle geometries used. Fors ensing applications,h ollow microneedles are preferred that can be integrated with am icrofluidic diagnostic chip [4,5], while diffusion-based analytec ollection methods have been shown to circumvent issues associated with extraction of interstitial fluid using hollow microneedles [6][7][8].Hollow microneedles allow for larger volumestobedelivered comparedt oc oated or degradable needles however specialc onsideration must be taken to prevent clogging after insertioni nto the skin [ 9].A no ffset bore allows for increased fluid delivery and improved fluid extraction [10,11].S everalf abrication techniques existt hat are capable of creating arrays of hollowm icroneedles with offset bores.I nitiale fforts concentrated on conventional silicon microfabricationt echniquesw hich still remain in common use [12].R ecently,alow cost approach that involvesacombination of UV lithography [a] Abstract:E lectroplated iron wasi nvestigated as an ovel material for microneedle fabrication due to its recent success as ab iocompatiblem etal in other medical devicea pplications.H ollow polymerm icroneedles were made using al aser direct write processt hat involvedt wophoton polymerization of ac ommercially available Class 2a biocompatible polymera nd subsequent electroplating of this structure with iron.E lectroplating bath and deposition conditions were shown to affect the mechanical properties of both iron plated microneedles and iron plated on planarp olymer substrates.C onditions for depositingt he iron coatings were investigatedi nt erms of grain size,r esidual strain, and elemental composition for planar iron samples.F racture strength and puncture mechanics into ex vivo porcine skin for ironc oated hollow microneedlesw ere examined. Biocompatibility testing wasp erformed usingt he MTT assay against human epidermal keratinocytesw ith several concentrations of iron extract to investigate iron as am aterial used for transdermal applications.I ron coatings proved to significantly improve the strength of the hollowp olymerm icroneedles and sustained structural integrityu pt o7i nsertions into porcine skin without bending.Acommercially available device (Medtronic MiniMedQ uick-Serter )w as used for controlled application of microneedles into porcines kin and estimations of insertion forces for the device were made.P lating conditionsw ere optimized su...