Purpose: Studying the genetic parameters of the population of the Northern Deer of the Chukotka breed according to fragments of molecular multi -cosmic analysis of DNA.Materials and methods. The northern deer, participating in the experiment year -round grazed on natural pastures without additional feeding. The material for the research was the fabric samples (faster of the auricle) of deer of different sexual age groups. Sampling was carried out by a random method from clinically healthy animals during coral work. Analytical work was carried out in the laboratory of DNA technologies of the All-Russian Research Institute of Tribal case using ISSR-PCR method according to the primer (AG) 9C. DNA allocation and PCR production was carried out with generally accepted methods. For calculations, DNA fragments from 180 to 1400 pp were used, clearly distinguishable visually and form pronounced peaks during computer scanning of gels.Results. Statistically significant differences between populations in the frequencies of ISSR markers were found in the interval of 1 year in 4-7 loci of 11 identified, through generation-from 1 to 4 loci. With an increase in the temporary interval between observations from 1 year to 5 years, changes in the genome by the number of loci and in the frequencies of ISSR markers were not noted. In all cases, the populations of microsatellites identified were in a state of gene equilibrium. Factors stabilizing the genetic structure of the population of the Chukotka breed are free mating characteristic of the northern deer, a significant number of males participating in the reproduction of the herd. Between populations from various ecological and geographical areas of Chukotka, 6 locus (54.5% of cases) have statistically significant differences in the frequencies of ISSR markers. The population in the Arctic tundra area exceeded the population from the forest tundra along short loci (180-210 pp) and (330- 350 pp) at p <0.001, locals of medium length (350-430 pp) <0.05. In turn, the forest-tundra population exceeded the Arctic population in long loci (700-1300 pp) at p <0.001. Ecological and geographical conditions determine the frequency of ISSR markers in the populations of the Chukchi breed, thereby, being a factor in intraspecific differentiation. Considering that the number of Chukotka breed deer is reduced, constant monitoring of the gene pool is needed. The research was carried out with the financial support of the RFBR in the framework of scientific project No. 20-316-90042.