The purpose of this business development is to optimize the position of state university of Malang as one of the existing education meccas in Indonesia, which can provide standardization and optimization of vocational education and higher education, so that the direct impact of this goal is the commercialization of business in the field of specialization, namely education management and becoming income-generating which exists as a supporter of the status of PTNBH State University of Malang. The urgency of this business development in the long term is to increase and develop the capabilities of prospective workers in order to compete according to the needs in the industrial world, and also the need to create a sustainable education environment that can be in accordance with the needs of the times. The stages of business development are Ideating, Concepting, Committing, Validating, Scaling, Establishing. The results of this study are in the form of a website that is integrated with office practicum material as a learning KIT and improving the quality of learning as a role to improve the competence of prospective workers.