Commercial nuclear power in the U.S. has been an unqualified success by any measure, providing safe, low-cost, carbon-free baseload electricity for decades. Today, the industry is at the peak of its historical performance in terms of generation output, reliable operations, and demonstrated nuclear safety. However, with the emergence of subsidized renewables and shale-gas generation, it is no longer among the lowest-cost electric generation sources. The business model that served the operating nuclear fleet so well over its initial lifespan is now a drag on cost performance, due to its reliance on a large, highly skilled labor force. In contrast, digital technology and innovation are enabling dramatic efficiencies in energy production, resulting in fierce competition for commodities such as electricity. The nuclear power industry responded to this challenge with many initiatives to improve efficiency and modernize plant equipment, especially in areas where reliability and obsolescence issues are pressing. However, it would be a missed opportunity to merely modernize the plant components and work processes of an outdated business model formulated to manage the technology of the 1960s. Rather, the greater opportunity is to transform that business model into one that fully exploits the capabilities of modern digital technology, resulting in substantially lower production costs and sustainable market viability. A successful example of one such transformation is the concept of integrated operations (IO), introduced into the North Sea oil and gas (O&G) industry a couple decades ago when the profitability of operating these fields was severely threatened by low global petroleum prices and the high overhead of operating offshore O&G platforms. This effort resulted in significant changes to how these oil fields were operated, enabling the industry to continue operating the platforms profitably. This example has remarkable parallels to the U.S. commercial nuclear industry. This report provides an analysis and planning framework for transforming the current nuclear power plant (NPP) operating model via transferable learnings from the North Sea O&G industry. This framework is termed "Integrated Operations for Nuclear" (ION). This report describes the key principles and methods of IO and how they are being applied via collaboration between the Department of Energy (DOE) Light Water Reactor Sustainability (LWRS) Program and Xcel Energy in an initiative to transform the NPP operating model in order to foster performance improvement and long-term sustainability. It describes a method for bringing the operating costs of a nuclear fleet in line with market-based pricing and transforming work functions to reduce costs via technological innovations. This initiative will continue over the next several years in the form of detailed development of transformative concepts for NPPs-the results of which will be published as a follow-up to this initial report on ION.