Palavras-chave: geração distribuída, ilhamento intencional, proteção de redes de distribuição. ii iii ABSTRACT SGUAÇABIA, R.R. (2105) Impact Assessment of the Distributed Generation on the Overcurrent Protection System of a Distribution Network Operating in Intentional Islanding. 2015. 137f. Dissertation (Master´s Degree) -Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo -USP, São Carlos, 2015. The growing number of distributed generators connected to electricity distribution networks is a reality of electrical systems throughout the world. Although the current policy is to disconnect the distributed generators from the electric power system (EPS) in the event of loss of mains, as required by main national and international technical guides, the module 3 of the Procedures for Electric Power Distribution in the Electric National System (PRODIST) shows itself in favor of islanded operation, it states that this type of operation can be carried out in agreement between power generation plants and the National Electric System Operator (ONS), allowing achieve larger availability in energy supply. However, to make the islanded operation possible and safe, the intentional islanding must overcome some challenges, among which are those related to the protection system of the distribution network, such as improper coordination of protective devices, loss of protection sensitivity, inadequate opening of fuses and automatic reclosing out of synchronism. Therefore, this work evaluates the impact of distributed generation (DG) on the overcurrent protection system of a distribution network operating islanded. The main idea is to divide the network into regions bounded by existing protection devices, to then adapt them to the new operational situation, making sure that the proposed adjustments meet the synchronous and stable behavior of the generation system by means of a transient stability analysis. Thus, a set of procedures is proposed to indicate actions that allow readjusting the existing overcurrent protection system to the islanded operation. The results demonstrate that the inhibition of automatic restart and of the instantaneous operating curve plus adjustments in time delay curves of relays and reclosers, improved the coordination and selectivity of the network operating islanded.