We introduce an implementation of the truncated many-body expansion, MBE(n), in which the n-body corrections are screened using the effective fragment potential force field, and only those that exceed a specified energy threshold are computed at a quantum-mechanical level of theory. This energy-screened MBE(n) approach is tested at the n = 3 level for a sequence of water clusters, (H 2 O) N=6−34 . A threshold of 0.25 kJ/mol eliminates more than 80% of the subsystem electronic structure calculations and is even more efficacious in that respect than is distance-based screening. Even so, the energyscreened MBE(3) method is faithful to a full-system quantum chemistry calculation to within 1−2 kJ/mol/monomer, even in good quality basis sets such as aug-cc-pVTZ. These errors can be reduced by means of a two-layer approach that involves a Hartree−Fock calculation for the entire cluster. Such a correction proves to be necessary in order to obtain accurate relative energies for conformational isomers of (H 2 O) 20 , but the cost of a full-system Hartree−Fock calculation remains smaller than the cost of three-body subsystem calculations at correlated levels of theory. At the level of second-order Møller− Plesset perturbation theory (MP2), a screened MBE(3) calculation plus a full-system Hartree−Fock calculation is less expensive than a full-system MP2 calculation starting at N = 12 water molecules. This is true even if all MBE(3) subsystem calculations are performed on a single 40-core compute node, i.e., without significant parallelization. Energy-screened MBE(n) thus provides a fragment-based method that is accurate, stable in large basis sets, and low in cost, even when the latter is measured in aggregate computer time.